Not a reference to my wife of course, she is always beautiful. Just one of my favorite Jimmy Buffett rimes. Finally seeing some nice, warmer weather. Maybe it's just us because we had some odd looks riding in shorts and Ts. It was around 60 but many were still bundled up like mid winter. Three of us took about a 5 mile ride along the Moscow River and back through the sidestreets. It's a fun way to see the inner city life. Took a few photos along the way.
After we went to Rosinkia which is one of the off compound living centers for a "hail and farewell" get together to welcome new folks and say goodby to those finishing contracts and moving on. A good American meal of chicken strips or burgers. Played a few hands of cribbage beforehand. Good to have a few passionate players of this game passed from father to son, at least that's how I see it.
"Skys are so clear, life is easy today"